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Dental Hygiene clean - What is a hygiene clean, why is it beneficial and what do we offer?


Elite Dental Studio offers a range of hygienist services including scale and polish treatments, AIR-FLOW therapy, stain-removing brightening treatments, 6-point pocket charts, perio treatments and periodontal laser treatment.

Hygienist session

A dental hygiene clean is a cleaning treatment process performed to clean the teeth and near the gum lines, it is an important dental treatment to help in the aid to stopping and eliminating gum disease.

Good oral hygiene is vital in eliminating gum disease and decay, which can eventually lead to tooth loss. Regular visits to a dental hygienist will ensure that hidden and difficult-to-reach plaque and tartar is removed from your teeth removing rough surfaces which contribute to build up of bacterial numbers and improving the health of your teeth and gums.

The benefits include:

Plaque removal. Tartar (also referred to as calculus) and plaque build-up, both above and below the gum line, can result in serious periodontal problems. Unfortunately, even with a proper home brushing and flossing routine, it can be impossible to remove all debris, bacteria, and deposits from gum pockets. The experienced eye of a dentist or hygienist using specialized dental equipment is necessary to catch potentially damaging build-up. (Scale and polish)

Hygienists can also help you maintain brighter, whiter teeth. Scaling and polishing, as well as AIR-FLOW therapy and cosmetic treatments can remove surface stains, leaving you with a fresher, brighter smile.

A healthier looking smile. Stained and yellow teeth can dramatically decrease the aesthetics of your smile. Having regular cleaning can improve the look of your teeth.

Fresher breath. Bad breath is generally an indication of periodontal disease, the routine removal of plaque and bacteria can noticeably improve bad breath and reduce infections.

Your hygienist can also provide advice on diet and how to care for your teeth and gums properly at home.

Deep cleanings are essential for the treatment and the management of gum disease. Cleanings focuses on removing bacteria from beneath the gums where they pose a serious threat to stability.

Deep cleaning for gum disease is called root planing and scaling. Root planing is the process of gently removing debris from the surface of affected roots. After removing harmful substances, the roots are then scaled, or smoothed. The combination of treatments should decrease the size of pockets between the teeth and gums and improve oral health.

Hygienist visit can be booked at our practice. It should be noted that gum disease cannot be completely reversed, but hygiene session is one of the tools we can use to effectively halt its progression.

Gum Disease

Did you know that more adult teeth are lost through gum disease than tooth decay and people are often unaware they have it because it is not painful and doesn’t affect their daily life, but if left untreated the impact can be serious, damaging the bone and tissues that support the teeth.

Are you aware that by simply having regular hygiene cleans combined with routine dental check-ups and looking after your teeth and gums at home will greatly improve your oral health and the appearance of your teeth. These are essential to keeping your gums and teeth healthy. More than 45% of adults in the UK are affected by gum disease and more and more studies are now also linking poor oral health to conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, so treating gum disease at the earliest opportunity is so important.

The key thing to know about gum disease is that it is preventable and, particularly in the early stages is relatively easy to treat and stabilise.

If you have any concerns about gum disease or think you may have some of the symptoms, are experiencing bleeding gums, gums that have come away from the teeth, persistent bad breath or bad taste or teeth that are loose or changing position, book an appointment her at Elite Dental Studio.

Hygiene Packages

GOLD – from £59

If no periodontal problems are detected you will then receive a scale and polish which will entail removing all of the calculus (Tartar) which is present on your teeth using both an ultrasonic scaler and hand scalers leaving you with clean smooth tooth surfaces which are easier to keep clean and help promote a healthier mouth. After the scaling you will then receive a thorough polish of all the teeth, leaving them feeling beautifully smooth and looking shiny and clean.

If any gum problems are detected it may be possible during this appointment to target some of the more troublesome areas, usually teeth which have been identified as having localized gum disease (periodontal pockets). If the gum disease is localized to 1 or 2 teeth we may be able treat them at this appointment.

Before the appointment is finished, we will cover any oral hygiene instruction that is needed to ensure your gums stay healthy and the teeth strong and answer any questions or concerns you may have. At this point we decide what future treatment, if any, is needed and book you in for any future necessary treatment.

GOLD PLUS – from £59

Includes the above with added 6-point pocket chart.

During the appointment you will receive a full gum health check complete with charting and plaque and bleeding scores which will indicate the health of the gums and pinpoint any gum problems that you may have. The chart helps to identify any problem areas so we can target any oral hygiene instruction that is needed and can also help to motivate you by seeing what wonderful progress you are making with your home care. The chart will be discussed with you in more detail during your appointment.

DIAMOND – from £118 –

Includes the above gold hygiene clean along with air flow treatment for stain removal.

AIRFLOW is a fast-working stain removal treatment that deep cleans your gums. The AIRFLOW method uses a wand to deep clean and polish your teeth with a combination of water, compressed air and fine powder particles. It uses air-water micro-burst technology to reach nooks and crannies that traditional scaling simple can't. The effects of the treatment will depend on your lifestyle. If you enjoy coffee and red wine, you can expect stains to return quicker. A good oral hygiene routine and regular trips to the dentist will help maintain the results.


This appointment is for patients who have been identified as having gum disease (periodontal disease). These appointments are recommended to patients following an initial hygienist appointment where the presence of gum disease has been detected. During this appointment the areas of the mouth that have gum disease are isolated and we may use local anaesthetic to numb the area so treatment is more comfortable. Each periodontal pocket is then carefully cleaned using mechanical and hand instrumentation. It is important to ensure that each pocket is cleaned thoroughly leaving smooth tooth and root surface behind to enable the gums to heal. Depending on the extent of the gum disease you may require more than one appointment, which will be discussed with you during your appointment so you are fully aware of the number of appointments you will require to ensure the treatment is carried out effectively.


Dental Laser Procedures & Treatments

BIOLASE award-winning all-tissue and soft-tissue dental lasers are used for minimally invasive procedures and treatments including Endodontics, Periodontics, Dental Implants, Restorative Dentistry, Soft Tissue, and more.

What is laser periodontal treatment?

Laser treatment can sound intimidating to many but in reality, it’s a perfectly safe and effective procedure. Making the most of modern technology, it uses precise equipment to provide a level of treatment that would be all but impossible when completed using traditionally methods.

The facts about laser periodontics

Deep Pocket Therapy is a highly effective, more aesthetic, and comfortable alternative to traditional surgical procedures for patients. This therapy changes the environment in the gum pocket through removal of inflamed tissue and root surface calculus/tartar to promote healthy tissue regeneration. It offers patients a minimally invasive option for many procedures

How it works

A periodontal treatment probe is put into place to measure the depth of the bone loss. Pulsed light is used selectively to treat the diseased tissues inside the pocket and to remove infected areas. Due to the precision of the laser, healthy tissue is left completely unharmed. Using special scaling methods, tartar is removed. Thanks to the effects of the laser, the removal is easier than it would be during a traditional scaling. A different intensity light is used during a second phase of laser gum treatment. It would cause a fibrin clot that will connect the gum to the root surface. A fibrin clot is created at the pinnacle of the gum by pressing the tissue against the root surface.

Post treatment advice is provided at the end of the treatment. Special home care and dietary recommendations might also help to ensure lasting success.

What are the benefits of laser periodontal treatment?

Many periodontal lasers use heat to cut tissue. On the other hand, our laser periodontal protocol combines a laser with a blast of water to provide treatment without heat. The biggest benefit is that it causes blood vessels to be sealed more quickly, which greatly reduces sensitivity and discomfort from the treatment.


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